Take the 21 Day Read Aloud Challenge!

Do you know how important it is to read aloud to children from birth? There are so many benefits: Language development, brain development, literacy skill building, time spent bonding and so much more. At MudPuddles, we LOVE books and we LOVE reading so we are inspired by the non-profit Read Aloud 15 Minutes to challenge you to complete a 21 Day Read Aloud Challenge. Pick up a form at either MudPuddles location or print your own here. Color in one box for every day you read aloud (parents reading to kids, kids reading to parents, kids reading to other kids - it all counts). When you've completed the 21 Day Read Aloud Challenge, bring your completed form back to MudPuddles and we'll give you 20% off your entire book purchase. This offer is valid for one purchase of regularly priced books between 3/25/22 and 4/30/22.
For more resources and the Read Aloud 15 Minutes version of the 21 Day Challenge visit their website.